20 Places On Earth That Will Give You Goosebumps


Many have gone across the globe to explore our beautiful habitat – to see what lies on every corner of the Earth. Truly, in every adventure, in every camera snapshot, we see such beautiful sceneries that are vivid evidences of a wonderful creation. However, many years have already passed by and several events have happened which had left an unfortunate memory and an unknown story that sometimes leave us into mystery.

While certain places give us fulfillment, joy and serenity, there are these places on Earth, even though we may not call as haunted, give us the contrary feeling.

Abandoned places have become more terrifying with every tragic story attached to it.

You might have the list on your own of these places which had given you the creepy feeling, but you may want to check this compilation of some of the places on Earth that will give you goosebumps. Definitely.

Just try not to scroll on these photos at midnight alone. Just don’t. I warned you.

1Hashima Island in Japan

20 Places On Earth That Will Give You Goosebumps

Hashima Island was used to be a mining facility with over 5000 miners living on the island. Japan’s main source of fuel was coal but when they replaced it with petrol, the mining facility in Hashima were stopped. The island was abandoned and was left with nothing and nobody since then.

2Beelitz-Heilstätten Red Army Military Hospital in Germany

This hospital in Germany was used in the World War I. One of the patients there was Adolf Hitler.

3Cambridge Military Hospital in England

20 Places On Earth That Will Give You Goosebumps

Surgery for the injured troops in World War I took place in this hospital in England between 1878 to 1996.

4The Catacombs in Paris

You might be familiar with this unusual place in Paris, the Catacombs. This underground pathway is 200-mile-long contains over 6 million bodies. Yikes!

5Chapel of Bones in Portugal

This chapel in Portugal contains a huge collection of bones of 5000 monks.

6Cincinnati’s Abandoned Subway

Creepy as it looks, this subway Cincinnati was abandoned for many years after the construction in 1920 was stopped due to high cost. I dare you to sneak in.

7El Hotel De Salto in Colombia

It was once a prestigious hotel for wealthy tourists who would go and visit the breathtaking view of the Tequendama Falls. Unfortunately, the falls had been contaminated and the hotel eventually shut down for business in early 90’s. Many thought it was haunted when many had committed suicide in that place.

8Farmhouse – Seneca Lake, New York

This creepy farmhouse in New York has been abandoned for many years. Broken vintage cars also shelter in this place.

9Island of the Dolls in Mexico

Are you one of those who get creeped out with baby dolls? Then there’s a spot for you in Mexico you shouldn’t visit, the Island of Dolls. These dolls were said to be hung on the trees to show respect for a young girl who died in the lake nearby. This young girl was drowned and shortly, a doll come out of the waters floating. The doll was hung by the caretaker Don Julian Santana who also found the young girl. Until today tourists and visitors in the island continue to hang dolls on these trees since the caretaker died.

10Michigan Central Station – Detroit, Michigan

It was built between 1912 to 1913 as a train station for Detroit and was once proclaimed as the tallest train station in the world. Unfortunately, the line was closed in 1988 and was left abandoned ever since. Plans of restoration had also fell to failure.

11Eastern State Penitentiary in Pennsylvania

Eastern State Penitentiary was one of the modern penitentiaries and was used between 1829 to 1971.

12Abandoned Power Plant in Charleroi, Belgium

The power plant was built in 1921 and was one of the largest power plants in Belgium. However, the power plant was shut down in 2007 when it was discovered that it was responsible for the ten percent carbon dioxide emission in Belgium.

13Pripyat, Ukraine

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We all are familiar with the tragic event in Pripyat, Ukraine because of the Chernobyl Power Plant disaster in 1986. Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was just nearby the city and due to the tragic incident, almost 50,000 families evacuated. Until now, the place is still abandoned with only heartbreaking pieces of once a peaceful city.

14Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital in Parma, Italy

The shadow wall paintings were just added by artist Herbert Baglione. The artwork definitely made the place more terrifying.

15An Abandoned Rocket Factory in Russia

20 Places On Earth That Will Give You Goosebumps

No, it’s not a snapshot from one of those sci-fi movies. Recently, a Russian woman, Lana Sator, took some photos of these abandoned rocket factory in 2012. The snapshots prove how gargantuan the place was.

16Six Flags Jazzland in New Orleans, Louisiana

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It may seem like snapshots from a horror movie but it isn’t. These are remains from the terrifying horror struck by Hurricane Katrina.

17Sanzhi UFO Houses in San Zhi, Taiwan

These UFO homes in Taiwan were supposed to be sold to U.S military forces. However, due to loss of investment, the construction was stopped in 1980. The place was abandoned ever since.

18Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane in Willard, New York

Yes, that’s the name of the establishment, Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane. You may imagine thousands of patients who were sheltered and had suffered in these walls of Willard. It was built in 1869 and was shut down in 1995. The photo above is the morgue of the hospital and was said to be the creepiest spot.

19Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Italy

20 Places On Earth That Will Give You Goosebumps

An estimated number of 8000 mummified bodies were kept in this catacomb in Italy. The second photo shows a body of the 2-year-old girl Rosalia Lombardo which is obviously well-preserved with its golden hair and bow tie. She was added to the huge collection of mummified bodies in 1920.

20Orpheum Auditorium in New Bedford, Massachusetts

Last but not the least, the Orpheum Auditirium in Massachusettes. This beautiful auditorium was opened the same day Titanic sunk, April 15, 1912. It was abandoned ever since.

That’s it! Which of these places you think the creepiest? Would you dare visit some of these?

All photos were sourced from here.