A great way to find free fonts for blog or website you can easily see site on the web using aerial default fonts on their sites. Choosing the best font is always attract your blog or easily to read your text, most of the websites are designers so they want something different style font from others sites we recommended these websites. Before installing a new font remember 1 thing your font should be speedy most of the fonts are heavy or bold it take too much time to load up on the web, So make sure its lighter or fast to load your site.
1. DeviantArt
2. Lost Type Co-op
3. My Fonts
 4. The League of Moveable Type
5. Type Depot
6. Behance
7. Fontstruct
8. Hype For Type
9. Font Fabric
10. TypeTogether
11. Font Squirrel
12. Free Typography
13. Fontgaus
14. Google Fonts
 15. Dribble