15 Great Things About Joe Biden 2020 Candidate for President


Joe Biden, the man who served 36 years of his life in the Senate and eight years in the Obama administration, has lived almost all of his life in the public eye. He tried multiple times to run for the President in the past years but couldn’t. So, finally, this time by winning the Democratic nomination, Joe Biden will be competing with his political rival Donald Trump in the elections of 2020.

The very fact that he “isn’t Trump” can actually help him gain more voters and who knows he might just win too. Definitely, these elections are going to be a big one as the world is already in the middle of a pandemic and the mishap of George Floyd may not result in Trump’s favour.

Hence, we have come up with a list of 15 great things about Joe Biden which you must know. So, let’s start.

1Born in Pennsylvania, soon moved to Delaware

His full name is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr and he was born on November 20, 1942, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His was father was wealthy earlier but by the time Biden was born, he had suffered a lot of financial setbacks. In 1953, when Biden was 10, they moved to Walmington, Delaware as the Scranton had fell into economic decline. Later, his father became a successful used car salesman and maintained  the middle-class lifestyle of the family.

2Played wide receiver and halfback

Biden attended the Archmere Academy in Claymount, a Catholic prep school. During his junior and senior years, he was a wide receiver and a standout halfback on the high school football team. He was such a brilliant player that he helped his team in becoming an undefeated one during his senior years. He even played in the baseball team and was elected class president although he was an academically poor student.

3Overcame a debilitating stutter

Biden had a debilitating stutter which started at the age of four. He was mocked a lot in school and was even called, “Bye-Bye” on account of his attempt to say his last name. But he did not allow mocking by other children to prevent him from his goals. Biden tried to overcome his stutter by practicing speaking while holding pebbles in his mouth, and by playing out conversations in advance in his head. He even used to memorize paragraphs instead of reading them aloud from textbooks in the classroom. He still stutters to this date as we have heard in many of his speeches but he has a come long way which is commendable.

4Met his future wife in college

Biden was a student of the University of Delaware and he met his future wife, Neilia Hunter, on spring break in the Bahamas during his junior year of college. They got married in 1966 and had two sons – Beau, & Hunter and one daughter, Naomi. Unfortunately Neilia and one year old Naomi died in a car accident in 1972. Biden even lost his son, Beau, in the tear 2015 after battling with brain cancer.

5Has always wanted to become US President

Biden has always wanted to become the President of United States. It goes back to the time when Biden met Neilia’s mother and she asked him what were his future plans. To this Biden replied that he wants to become the President of United States of America.

6Earned a law degree and became the Senate

Biden finished his law school in the year 1968 and was even drafted but couldn’t join because of his history of asthma. Later in the year 1972, at the age of 29, Biden became the fifth-youngest person ever elected to the U.S. Senate after defeating 63 year old Republican Senator Cale Boggs. When somebody questioned him as to why he didn’t participate in anti-Vietnam war protests, he answered that he rather ran for Senatorship and became one of those whose votes stopped the war.

7Campaigned for New Castle County Council

In the year 1969, Biden practiced law as public defender. He ran to represent the 4thdistruct on the New Castle County Council with a liberal platform that included support for public housing in the suburban which he eventually won. He claimed that he used to receive a lot of  racist calls during his campaigns but they never shook his agenda.

8Sworn into the Senate at the hospital bedsides of his sons

In 1972, Biden had just won the Senate seat and a few weeks later, he receives the news of his family’s station wagon getting hit by a tractor-trailer carrying corncobs. His wife and one year old daughter died in the car accident and his two sons got badly injured. Biden was devastated at this news and wanted to resign. But somehow Majority Leader Mike Mansfield persuaded him and he was allowed to be sworn in at the hospital.

9Has always been a dedicated family man

Biden can be said to be an epitome of a dedicated family man. He has always given priority to his family and his roles as a husband and a father. Back when his wife and a daughter died in a car accident and he was sworn into Senate at the hospital, Biden always cared about his sons’ health. He told that he would resign if his Senate duties took too much time away from his sons. “They can always get another Senator, but my boys cannot get another father.”

10Helped John McCain in meeting his future wife

Biden and McCain shared an enduring and intimate friendship. In fact, Biden and his second wife Jill urged McCain to go over and talk to Cindy, would become Mrs. McCain soon after. Also, interestingly, though being friends for decades, Biden had to stand in a political face-off with McCain as they belonged to the opposing political parties. But, as friends, Biden was always with McCain whenever he needed him and even delivered a eulogy at his funeral in 2018.

11Neither smokes nor drinks

“A crutch” as Biden refers to smoking and drinking. Also, he has stated in many of his interviews that he has seen enough alcoholics in his family and has seen people suffering from severe effects of alcoholism. Hence, he avoids drinking and smoking.

12Served as a vice president for eight years

Biden ran for president of the United States in the 2008 election. But shortly he withdrew due to some reasons and then Obama asked him to be his running mate. And finally from 2009 to 2017, during the Barack Obama administration Biden was the 47th Vice President of the United States, being twice elected alongside Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.

13World famous Obama-Biden Bromance

Obama & Biden’s bromance had always made headlines. Their pictures showed how much they valued each other’s presence. They went to watch sports and hugged each other after speeches. In fact, Obama even bestowed Biden with America’s highest honor – Presidential Medal of Freedom. This not only took Biden by surprise but also made him teary-eyed.

14Passionate Ice cream lover

Biden is a die-hard ice-cream fan and his love for ice-creams has been very vocal. His favourite ice-cream flavour is some good old fashioned chocolate chip icecream that he likes to enjoy any day. And guess what, The Cornell University Dairy even declared to name a flavour after Biden. Also, Biden spent around $3,800 on Jeni’s Splendid Ice cream for his 2020 campaign as his “donor gifts”.

15Would be the oldest President in history, if elected

Yes, Joe Biden is 77 years old and would be the oldest President in history at his inauguration, if elected. The youngest to become president by election was John F. Kennedy, who was 43 years old at his inauguration. And till now, Mr. Donald Trump has been the oldest President as he was 70 years old when he assumed the presidency, on Inauguration Day.