12 Things you can Do In The Time of Quarantine

12 Things you can Do In The Time of Quarantine

Amidst the outbreak of the infectious COVID-19, the entire world is locked for safety and security, in quarantine.  To say a tough time is upon us is a bit of understatement. Even if you aren’t directly affected by the unwelcomed guest Corona, you’re most certainly hit mentally by its repercussion across the globe.

It’s completely natural to feel so. We are in a situation where we are confused and scared of each other.

In this blog will try to lessen your boredom by suggesting 12 tips to do in this quarantine period.

Life at home

So, we always complaint about we aren’t able to stay at home, which is true. Some professionals stay at home for very less time. Due to COVID-19, life at home is made possible.

Stay at home!

Is the foremost way you get this damn virus under control! We can stop it with a united heart worldwide. Should you not belong to any crowd or group of who have to go out to work? Try and minimize the outgoing factors and get the work done digitally. The digital medium is the mantra to chant and make life on-going hassle-free.

Coronavirus has understandably started taking a troll. We are living in a box, and we are tired of it. Many of us are taking the isolation is a positive self-build option whereas, others are just chilling over Netflix and web series. The initial day of lockdown hit us back, but frankly, the world is quite simple at home with your loved ones.

It’s time to turn the hourglass and look at the pandemic effect all over. Optimizing the time and space in this outbreak here’s a list of things you can try out while in the quarantine period.

1. Read, Read and read

 Not every situation is bad, and choking, if you can find out a positive way to it. Looking into a situation with all your goodness in a skill, you can upgrade it now!

Reading is one of the foremost things that we are going away from. Having the skill to analyze will give you a better understanding of a situation if you’re a leaned person. Explore all sorts of books that interest you. Read about the historical outbreaks, read literature, read political movements and read poetries of that period when the world was fighting and writers were at their best creating flawing poems.  This will enrich your skill, your language and your knowings.

There are innumerous movies, where you can learn the art of making and knowing, watch out for those. Watching good movies is a part of reading and learning.

2. Reconnect to your old friends and family

In a fast-paced life, we have forgotten to stay connected to our people. The siblings, the old friends, night out and home parties have lost their flavour in the growing era.

In this quarantine period, you can easily make digital medium a way to reconnect to your loved ones. The virtual connection while practicing social distancing can be both ways great to spend your quarantine days.

3. Explore an online course

 Have you been procrastinating on learning something new? Be it a language, or calligraphy, or video editing or even marketing, there are so many websites which offer a good number of courses.

You can enjoy exploring and learning something effective to make your day out possibly interesting.

4. Learn to play an instrument

Having enough time sitting at home can get your life better if you tune in to some amazing music tracks. But music is something we always listen, while working or when we are idle. 

Learning up a new instrument is amazing to make your quarantine period worth staying at home. It is the best thing to explore right now. You can take the music and instrument lesson from YouTube videos. This will help in long term.

5. Fitness freaks: Try out online yoga classes and exercises at home

Who said quarantine is boring! Fitness lovers can simply log in to the yoga website, where online classes are offered at affordable prices. Without spending much you are aligned with your fitness regime.

Practising yoga will not only keep you fit but enhance your mental stability to meditate and bring in peace.

6. Cook and keep your moods high

Undoubtedly cooking makes us happy, isn’t it! Cooking any delightful dish will not only entice your taste buds by making your day’s good, smooth and happy. There is an ample number of YouTube channels, watch and enjoy cooking, and baking your favourite dessert.

It’s a psychological fact, that if your tummy is happy you are obliged to feel good. Cooking reduces depression. It’s a great exercise to keep your brain working and happy.

7. Find DIY projects and craft your likeable things

 Well, an artist in you, is hidden, let’s bring it out for quarantine days. Visit the online DIY projects and craft something which suits you. This will not only keep you engaged, but you will learn something to craft.

Decorating your house with handmade crafts is a lovely way to spend time fruitfully. It includes fabric crafts, spin, weave, arts, painting, woodcrafts, quilts, and decorate cakes.

8. Become a homemaker

Helping your mom with all the household works is the best way to unload her with the works. Home is the heart of the family, and taking care of housework’s is a way to keep your family safe and secured.

Washing, cooking, cleaning, filling empty bottles and water plants will make your day went off smooth. It’s a great idea to reduce the household chores and help each other.

9. Pamper yourself

With everything, you are doing, pampering too comes on the way. Use haldi, potato juice, curd and lemon and apply it all over. Keep it for some time and rinse it well. Keeping yourself mentally happy with self-pampering is a great way to reduce boredom. Not necessarily you have to go to the parlour, small tricks played at home will keep you shining.

10.  Listen to the podcast

In a digitally enhanced world, there are amazing online platforms and social media to keep you engaging.  There are over 7000 audios and videos on the podcast which comes free, you can explore them. These are screened, whereas, you’ll find thousands to keep you entertained, and inspired. If you are interested in stimulating your brain, we recommend you to explore this part. Simply view the collection available in free and listen on your iPhone or Spotify.

11. Build a professional website

 Well, if you are a professional who hates sitting idle, now is the time to do something for yourself. Open your laptop, and log-in to the free websites like Word press and build one of your choices. You need to find a domain that suits your taste or interests you.

Select the theme, create an id and get going step by step. Working for yourself with giving you satisfaction to have something that you’re personally own, using your skill and talent.

12. Pen it down your goals

To make the company happy, you have completely given up on your dreams. Quarantine time has bought to you those lost moments where you can sit, think about yourself and plan out what you wish to explore. Write down all to do’s and make sure once the lockdown is over you start chasing your dreams.

Giving time to yourself is hard, setting out a plan to do something in life requires courage. As a result, Watch short films, movies and read a good book that you like and soon you’ll realize how much important it is to give time to yourself.

In fact, Quarantine period may be struggling, but if taken in another way, it is self –building time.

Don’t forget to be social, in quarantine period

Self-quarantine doesn’t mean that you’re not allowed to be social. It is important to maintain connections through online. Therefore, thanks to manmade skills for making digital medium so strong that you can stay connected yet maintain social distance.

It brings a sense of normality to the extraordinary happenings. Keep posted on your doings on the quarantine period and encourage each other to do the same. There is nothing to sulk in if you believe in positivity.