Top 7 Fruit Trees Grown For Small Places

Top 7 Fruit Trees Grown For Small Places

Buying fruits from the hypermarket is quite easy. But wouldn’t you like to eat fresh and delicious fruits right from your garden? Probably yes!

You might be thinking that where you will grow fruits as you have hardly any space in your home. Don’t worry; I have grown many plants like apple and berries in my gardenthat occupy very less space. You can easily enjoy juicy homegrown fruits.

You can take a 6-8 inch cutting from a healthy branch of a respective tree. Make sure that it must have good quality fruits with at least two nodes.

Put the lower half of the cutting into the soil and another half above the ground. Keep this warm and moist. Once cutting starts to develop, it means that roots have also grown. Now the cutting is ready for transplantation.

Fruit Trees that can be grown in Small Spaces


Figs are grown in pots or containers. When they are planted in a container, more fruits are produced.

Planting in container resists the growth of the roots.
It prevents the plant to overgrow.
Fig trees grow to the dwarf sized plant to 20-30 feet tall.
Give water regularly.
In each spring, mix the fresh soil to the pot or container.
Also, add slow releasing fertilizers to prevent fig from any damage.
They grow best in dry summers.
The rain can cause damage to the fruits.


Pomegranate survives in extreme heat, cold and drought.

It is a hard shrub that grows to the height of 12 feet.
They have huge red flowers in the spring. These red flowers attract hummingbirds.
I have grown pomegranate in the pot.
I have a pomegranate tree in my garden as an ornamental plant.
I pick the fruit when ripened.
Enjoy the fruit as it has powerful antioxidant properties.


Mulberry is also known as “Shahtoot.” It is a perfect berry for small gardens.

Fruits are cream colored and do not stain clothes.
If you want to plant black mulberry, then take a cutting from a dormant sweet flavored plant.
You must plant mulberries close to each other to create a hedge.
Hand –pruning on a regular basis is quite important.
The fruit is directly eaten from the plant.
The berry is sweet, colorful and very good texture.
They grow well in late winter.
They are the large shrubs that can grow up to 40 feet.


Apples are perfect for growing in winters. They require 1000-2000 hours of chilling winter for cross pollination.

Tree size and the fruit production depend on the rootstock.
Pick the right variety of plant for your garden.
Plant dwarf apples in your garden like Gala, Red Fuji, Spartan, Pippin, Akane and Princess Alexandria.
Some species like Bolero, Palka, and Waltz requires no pruning and can be plantedin pots.
They grow 1-2 meters tall.
I have planted apple trees in the groups to create a mini orchid in my garden.
In warmer areas, you can grow apples like Anna, pink lady, sundowner and granny smith.
The pruning is required on a regular basis.
When apple tree blooms, it attracts pollinators like hummingbirds, insects, birds and butterflies.


Grapevine lives for many years and is suitable to grow in your small gardens.

You must provide a substantial structure to grow grapes like pergolas or trellis.
The trees can weigh hundred pounds when having fruits on them.
Grapes can also be planted in containers.
For subtropical or coastal areas, disease resistant plants must be put. Some of the species are Isabella, Red Flame, Pink Lona, and Muscat Hamburg.
They can tolerate zero temperature.
Species like Dornfelder and Regent are grown in colder areas.


Blueberries can be grown in large containers. These are shrubs that have bell shaped flowers.

Flowers bloom and delicious fruits are grown in moist air and acid conditions.
Plant blueberries in rows for cross pollination.
Acid soil is used to grow blueberries.
To make the soil acidic, mix peat moss or decomposed pine needles in soil.
If you have less space in your garden, pick species like Bluetta and Top hat.
If you want to grow blueberries in a warmer climate, then pick Gulf Coast and Sunshine Blue.
They grow to 4-12 feet.


Blackberries are grown in a small space with low maintenance.

Grow them along cranes or trellis and require pruning after harvest.
These berries survive in partial shade.
So, if your garden does not get enough sunlight, berries can grow well.
Species like Loch Ness and Waldo are perfect for your garden.
The success rate in case of cuttings is 25 to 75 percent.
So, always grow more cuttings.
An easier way to get berries is to detach little sprouts from the mature patch of berries.
Slice the sprouts vertically and plant it in the ground and the roots will develop.
You will enjoy the fresh fruits in a year.

P.S.: I have grown many fruit trees in the backyard of my house. Many fruits are also grown in containers. You will also find it easy to grow fruits in your garden. Enjoy fresh, sweet and delicious fruits.