9 Eye-Popping Pictures Of The BBC North Creative Interior Spaces


Housed in North England’s Greater Manchester area, the BBC’s workspace is visually striking. Designed by IS:SR, the team worked intelligently to create an exclusive working environment that offers a lot in a minimal area. The designing has been so done that space has been used in a more than justified way.

The meeting pods are the highlight in the entire office design and they are placed lining the atrium. The narrow spaces found at the edges are also utilized and intimate pods are designed there. Efficient as well as creative space management practices form the essence of the design. The vibrancy and color combinations add the required flavor of spice. The dining area has been given a raw industrial ceiling look and natural sunlight is allowed to enter the area for a better feel.

Watch out for the majestic pictures of the workspace and you will get a major work feel.

1The majestic meeting pods

2Modern and futuristic

3Have a cool chat

4The private space

5Sit face to face

6The cool colors

7Sit, discuss and decide

8The meeting area

9Dine in style

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