Last year Sony gave a surprise to all the PS4 lovers by launching the amazing PS4 Pro version. This version is more powerful than the original console and enables the games to display at 4K resolution or 1080p display. It utilizes the extra graphical effects and help games to run at smoother frame rates. Now, with its launch some already released games will be getting a PS4 Pro upgrade through updates while some won’t. The GPU (graphic processor unit) in PS4 Pro is twice as powerful and runs at 4.2 teraflops when compared to the original PS4. With this amazing Pro version, you can switch between apps faster since it has an extra 1 GB memory for non-gaming apps.
Today, in this article, we are listing out 20 games which will be getting the PS4 Pro upgrades. So, if you are worried that your favorite game will be getting an upgrade or not, then keep reading.
Let’s see whether your favorite game made it to this PS4 Pro UPGRADATION list or not!