10 Best Instagram Photographers Everyone Must Follow


If you are a big fan of photography then you must follow these 10 insanely talented Instagram photographers immediately. “A picture is worth a thousand words”, isn’t it? And not everyone is good at taking such self-expressive pictures. Photography is an art where you express your thoughts & feelings through pictures. It is something which you can never acquire or learn if you are not innately passionately about it. Hence, the 10 Instagram photographers I am about to talk are an absolute artistic prodigy.

So, c’mon, let’s Dive into the world of transcendental photography with these 10 best Instagram Photographers.

1Darryll Jones

His humorous and amusing shots of toys will tickle that funny bone in you.

2Adam Senatori

He is known for offering awe-inspiring aerial shots.

3Brooklyn Street Art

Their Instagram page is a gorgeous montage of street artworks from New York city shot with nothing else but iPhone.


This Paris-based photographer allows you to vicariously experience the countries he visits.

5Jussi Ulkuniemi

The timing of this photograph is impeccable, isn’t it?! Her breath-taking photography would leave you for wanting more and more.

6Chandan Khanna

This New Delhi-based, Indian photographer is an expert at showcasing the day-to-day life of India. Again, he also captures all of his photographs with an iPhone.

7Victoria Siemer

She is a Brooklyn-based abstract photographer. Her photography defies norms and has supernatural overtones.

8Theron Humphrey

If, you enjoy adorable animal moments then, Theron Humphrey is the one to follow immediately.

9Dave Yoder

Already being a regular contributor to National Geographic, Yoder should be the first one on your to-follow list.

10Simone Bramante

He surely knows how to weave a magical web with his enchanting photographs.

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